WTS Softener with pressure pump and sediment filter.
Automatic Softner valve, Resin vessel, Brine Tank &Salt space
SFT Automatic Softner - without head cover
5 micron Sediment Filter installation
3M - IAS 102T Scale Prevention System installation on Over Head Tank Line
3M - RO unit installation under the sink and faucet for RO water
VR Technologies - Dosing Pump ( injecting chemical on bore pipe line connection).
3M - IAS141T Scale Prevention System, installed at bore well line
3M - IAS 801F & IAS141T -2 Units installation on series
7th product photos - with pre filter and bacterial free water.
3M - IAS 802F & IAS 102T installation for 5 micron Sediment filter & Scale Prevention System
Kent-Automatic Water Softner installation on bore well line.
3M - IAS 801F & IAS 141T -4 no's installation on series
. 3M RO unit at under sink and faucet on right side
VR Technologies Iron remover, 3M - IAS 801F & VR Technologies Softner installation.
. 3M RO unit at under sink and faucet on right side
3M safe kitchen unit - Pre filter and IAS140. 7th products in the list
3M Safe kitchen - IAS801F, IAS390